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Winter Checklist

Date Published 09 December 2022

Now that the weather has officially turned, winter is definitely upon us. Now is the time to make sure your property is prepared for the chill and we've provided some helpful pointers for Landlords and Tenants.


Make sure your gas safety certificate is up to date

Have the boiler serviced if needed If the property benefits from a working fireplace, ensure the chimney is swept & clean

Check the roof. Missing or damaged tiles can leave the property prone to leaks and damp

Window frames & door seals should be checked for damage, if there are gaps this could lead to damp

Clad external condensate pipes to avoid issues with heating & hot water not working


Bleed the radiators if they're not getting fully warm

Check the property for mould & condensation, ensure you're adequately heating & ventilating

Have the heating on a low, constant temperature if you're going away

Test your smoke & Carbon Monoxide alarms, replace batteries where necessary

Isolate & drain any external water supplies like outside taps, to avoid pipes freezing & splitting

Invest in an electric heater, if your heating stops working it can tide you over until an engineer can attend